Winter tips for protecting your garden

Winter gardening tipsLast winter we posted a blog listing out “Top tips for cleaning your asphalt driveway”  and now would be a good time to revisit it and check out our advice on how to protect your driveway surfaces from frost damage and other hazards.

Moving on from there, residential properties will also frequently have gardens to care for and flats may have a balconies where potted plants are grown. As well as this, businesses are increasingly conscious of how outdoor planting can enhance perceptions of their aesthetic values and eco-friendly ethics.

A visit to the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) website can provide invaluable tips to gardeners throughout the year, but we’d like to offer some specific tips on protecting gardens in winter that we have offered to residential and business clients.

  1. We wrote in our blog post mentioned above about the damage fallen leaves can cause to driveways once they rot. However, decomposing leaves can also be harmful for ponds and water features, contaminating the water and clogging filters. It is advisable to cover them with netting to catch the leaves, which can then be used as compost.
  2. Garden pots and containers can be expensive to buy and it is a good idea to insulate them from frost damage. The RHS recommends bubblewrap secured round the outside of the pot, which is an ideal material. Also, it’s advisable to protect outdoor plants that are not fully hardy by covering them with horticultural fleece.
  3. For planted areas bordering on streets, lanes and highways, road salt used for de-icing surfaces can be deadly to plants, contaminating the soil and damaging roots and foliage. This can be avoided by erecting screening to provide protection from salt water spray created by passing traffic.

Ross Solution Projects have many years of experience in all aspects of garden maintenance. If you need our professional help, please feel free to give us a call on 020 8450 9933 or email us at